Food Safety Programs
Certain businesses require a higher level of compliance and are therefore required to implement a Food Safety Program (FSP) as well as holding a food business licence.
These include:
- A business that involves off-site catering
- A business whose primary activity is on-site catering at the premises stated in the licence
- A business whose primary activity is on-site catering at part of the premises stated in the licence and catering for 200 or more people on 12 or more occasions in any 12 month period
- A business that is carried on as part of the operations of a private hospital
- A business that processes or serves potentially hazardous food for six or more vulnerable people including:
- a child care facility
- an aged care facility
- A business whose principal activity is processing potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food for delivery by a delivered meals organisation to at least six persons at a time
A food safety program is a document that outlines how a food business controls and monitors all of the food safety hazards that are associated with the business.
A food safety program for a food business must:
- Systematically identify food safety hazards that are reasonably likely to occur in food handling operations of the food business
- Identify where, in a food handling operation of the food business, each hazard identified under paragraph above can be controlled and the means of control
- Provide for the systematic monitoring of the means of control
- Provide for appropriate corrective action to be taken when a hazard identified, is not under control
- Provide for regular review of the program to ensure it is appropriate for the food business
- Provide for the keeping of appropriate records for the food business, including records about action taken to ensure the business is carried on in compliance with the program
- Contain other information, relating to the control of food safety hazards, prescribed under a regulation
A food safety hazard means a thing or a situation that has the potential to cause food handled or sold in connection with the business to be unsafe or unsuitable. Hazards may be microbial, physical (eg foreign objects) or chemical.
The food safety program is a document that you must keep up to date – if you start a new process make any changes then the FSP should be updated as well.
Accreditation of Food Safety Program
Once the food program is developed it must be submitted to Council to be accredited. Please complete the Accreditation of Food Safety Program Application and return with the fee and a copy of your food safety program.
Council will review and either request further details/amendments or approve.
Once approved your Food Safety Program must be audited by an approved auditor within 6 months.
The Queensland Health's Food safety program web page has more information on Food Safety Programs including templates to assist you in developing your own FSP. Please see the the Helpful links for food businesses section for further information.
Contact Council's Customer Service Centre
Please contact the Customer Service team by phone on (07) 4783 9800 or email by clicking on the Contact Us button below. Our normal office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM not including public holidays.
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