Mayor and Councillors
Burdekin Shire Council has a Mayor and six elected Councillors who represent residents. The Mayor's oath was taken on 25 March 2024 following the declaration of results. The Post-Election Council Meeting was held on 3 April 2024 and all Councillors took their oath of office on this date.

The latest Local Government elections were held on Saturday 16 March 2024. The Electoral Commissioner has approved the declaration of the following candidates for Burdekin Shire Council and the Declaration Notices have been published on the ECQ website:
Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort
Office: (07) 4783 9800
Mobile: 0447 150 582
Register of Councillors' Interest
The Queensland Government Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs instruct Councillors to declare all financial and non-financial interests, including the interests of persons related to the councillor (including spouses, dependent children or anyone whose affairs are so closely connected with the councillor that they could share any benefits received).
Councillor Conduct Complaints
On 3 December 2018 the Local Government Act 2009 (the Act) was amended requiring Council to maintain and publish a Councillor Conduct Register under section 150DX. This replaced a requirement under section 181A to keep a record of written complaints about councillor conduct or performance.
The Councillor Conduct Register records matters set out in section 150DX(1) relating to unsuitable meeting conduct, suspected inappropriate conduct, decisions about misconduct, conduct complaints dismissed by the Assessor, and decisions by the Assessor to take no further action.
"Subject Councillor" information is only included if the local government or Councillor Conduct Tribunal decided that the Councillor engaged in inappropriate conduct or misconduct, or otherwise where the Councillor agrees to their name being included in the register (section 150DY of the Act). Information about a complaint which may be part of a public interest disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 is not available for review in the public register.
This is a record of eligible complaints received for the 2016-2020 Council term received from 3 December 2018.