All about us
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Official Stuff
The Burdekin Library and Home Hill Branch Library make up the Libraries Section of the Burdekin Shire Council’s Community Services Department. Public libraries are a partnership between Local Government and the Queensland Government through State Library of Queensland. The library service is funded by Council with an annual grant from the State Government for library collections material provided under a Service Level Agreement with the Library Board of Queensland. The State Government also provides an annual grant for early literacy activities under the First5Forever program.

What information we store and why
The Burdekin Library collects your personal information to give access to our collections and services. The confidentiality, privacy and security of your personal information is important to us.
- We will manage your information carefully to ensure you can access our collections, services and facilities.
- We will only collect information that we need to deliver our services to you.
Your name – used to identify your member account
Your address – used to check that you are eligible to receive full membership benefits and are an eligible Queensland resident.
Your email address – used to contact you when your membership is expiring; used to contact you about items you have on loan or have requested
Phone number – used to contact you about items you have on loan or have requested. This will be either by a phone call or SMS message if you have opted in to our SMS Service.
Where your data is stored
To offer some of our services, we need to store membership data offshore and may share your information with companies based outside Australia. These suppliers are only allowed to use the data for contractually-agreed purposes and must handle data in a confidential and secure manner in accordance with Queensland privacy legislation (Information Privacy Act 2009).
Strategic Plan
A strategic plan for the Library Service was adopted by Council in 2020.
History of the Burdekin Library
Visit Council's History of the Burdekin Library web page to view a time line of libraries in the Burdekin.
Library Artworks
The Burdekin Library contains two magnificent artworks included in the original building. Visit Council's Library Artworks web page to read about the Mirka Mora mural and the stained glass window by Gary Burgess.