Making an Insurance Claim
Motor Vehicle/Property Damage
If your vehicle or personal property has been damaged and you believe Council is liable:
- Write a letter or email to Council including:
- As much detail as possible in relation to the incident;
- Photographs of the damage;
- Two quotes for the repair; and
- Ensure that a current postal address and phone number are provided.
Any claims for third party damage eg. broken windscreens, damaged windows or other damage will only be considered by Council:
- Where the claimant can identify the item of plant that caused the damage (i.e. plant number registration number, colour and driver/operator);
- Where the claimant can specify the time and location of the incident;
- When Council can verify that the road plant was in the area identified at the time specified.
In general, it would be expected that the driver of any motor vehicle suffering damage would stop and report it to the mower or slasher operator at the time of the incident.
Claims requiring assessment must be sent to Council in writing. Letters should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Burdekin Shire Council
PO Box 974
AYR QLD 4807
or emailed to:
If Council determines that it is liable for the damage sustained, it will arrange for reimbursement of costs associated with the repair to your vehicle or property.
Personal Injury
If you have suffered personal injury and believe that Council is liable:
- Write a letter or email to Council including:
- As much detail as possible in relation to the incident;
- Specify what action you would like Council to take in relation to the incident;
- Ensure that a current postal address and phone number are provided.
Council or our Insurers will respond to your correspondence.
Claims requiring assessment must be sent to Council in writing. Letters should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Burdekin Shire Council
PO Box 974
AYR QLD 4807
or emailed to: