The purpose of the committee is to:
Road safety programs in all jurisdictions in Australia are guided by the National Road Safety Strategy and its supporting Action Plan.
In Queensland, the Department of Transport and Main Roads leads a strong network of partnerships and alliances with other government agencies, local government and community groups to develop the Queensland Road Safety Strategy and supporting Action Plan.
Plans are developed through a transparent process of data analysis and community and agency contribution. The plans support each other, linking State and National strategies.
The planning and operational framework in North Queensland comprises of: Local Government Road Safety (Traffic) Advisory Committees comprising Local Government and Department of Transport and Main Roads representatives, Police and Emergency Services Officers and Local community and transport related groups.
Meetings will generally be held on the fourth Wednesday of February, May, August and November.
Meetings will generally be held at the Council Chamber offices, in a Council meeting room. Meetings shall usually commence at 10.30 AM.
Out of session meetings between specific members are encouraged to progress actions and take advantage of opportunities for synergies with the work of other partner agencies.