Sewerage Infrastructure
Typical of most sewerage networks, the sewers in Ayr, Brandon and Home Hill are installed across mainly private properties. There is good reason for this. It allows for the best drainage by gravity, decreasing capital and operating costs of the system and therefore, the charges to our customers.
It is an offence to flush foreign objects into the sewerage system via toilets or manholes. Items such as clothing, disposable nappies, rags etc. cause pump blockages and major damage to pump station installations, compromising network integrity.
Residents may have a sewerage manhole inside their property and likely sewer mains as well. From time to time Council requires access for maintenance purposes. Areas surrounding manholes should be kept clean and clear of any obstructions which would hinder access by Council employees or contractors. Where-ever possible, Council notifies the owner/occupier in advance of works required to be undertaken. In emergencies we may need to gain access without advanced warning.
It is an offence for residents to drain any stormwater from their property into sewerage manholes or the sewerage system.
Treatment Plants
Council operates two licenced Wastewater treatment plants with certificates of registration as required under section 73F of the Environmental Protection Act 1994. One plant services the Ayr/Brandon residential area and one services the Home Hill residential area. Both are conventional trickling filter plants.
The Ayr/Brandon treatment plant has a design capacity of 14,000 EP (equivalent persons) with a design ADWF (average dry weather flow) of approximately 40 litres per second or 3.5ML/day with BOD5 not to exceed 20 mg/L and non-filterable residue not to exceed 30 mg/L.
The Home Hill treatment plant has a design capacity of 4,800 EP (equivalent persons) with a design ADWF (average dry weather flow) of approximately 14 litres per second or 1.2ML/day with BOD5 not to exceed 20 mg/L and non-filterable residue not to exceed 30 mg/L.