- Entity Name
- Dee & Vee Takeaway - Home Hill Takeaway
- Entity Description
- take away food - fish & chips; burgers and sandwiches
- Categories
- Food Outlets,Retail and Food Outlets
- Markets
- Local Burdekin Area
- Primary Contact Name
- Veronica
- Primary Contact Title
- Owner
- Secondary Contact Name
- Debbie
- Secondary Contact Tile
- Owner
- Street Address
- 82 Eighth Avenue
- Street Address Suburb
- Home Hill
- Street Address Postcode
- 4806
- Street Address State
- Postal Address
- PO Box 2224
- Postal Address Suburb
- Ayr
- Postal Address Postcode
- 4807
- Postal Address State
- Email Address
- dee.n.vees.takeaway@gmail.com
- Phone Number
- 07 4782 2293
- Entity Established Date
- 2010