
Library membership is free to all Queensland residents with photo I.D. and proof of address (eg. drivers licence, healthcare card, electricity bill, etc).
Children under the age of 18 must be endorsed by a parent or guardian with identification (eg. Medicare card which lists the adult's and child's name).
Library members have access to the free Library Members Wi-Fi network and one hour’s free library computer access per day.
Visitor Membership
International and interstate visitors are eligible to join as a Visitor member for a non-refundable charge of $25.00 - photo I.D. (eg. passport/licence) and proof of current address required.
Visitor members have access to the free Library Members Wi-Fi network and one hour’s free library computer access per day.
Online Membership
If you don't want to borrow items from the library's physical collections, you can join as an Online member to access the library's digital collections only. Digital materials are available through BorrowBox, hoopla, and Libby by OverDrive. For more information on these products, visit the library's webpages on e-books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines and e-movies.
To join as an online member, visit the catalogue and select the "Join Online" option from the menu on the left. Complete the online form and you can begin borrowing immediately.
Should you want to borrow from the library's physical collections, it's easy to update your details by visiting the library and providing suitable I.D. (photo I.D. and proof of address) to library staff.
All library members (except for Online and Visitor members) may borrow 20 items for 4 weeks.
Visitor members may borrow 4 items for 4 weeks.
Items may be renewed once unless they are reserved or overdue by more than two months. Members are responsible for managing their own loans and renewals.
Members with items that are over 2 months' overdue are billed for the replacement costs of the items.
It is an expectation that items will be returned in the same condition in which they are borrowed. Please see library staff if you have any concerns about the condition of items you borrow or have returned. A replacement cost will be charged for items returned irreparably damaged unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Members with outstanding library charges are unable to borrow new items and are limited to 15 minutes of computer/internet use per day. Item replacement cost charges are removed upon return of the item in good condition. Full membership privileges are restored when all items are returned and/or all charges are paid.
Please contact library staff if you have any queries about your loans and/or any charges.
You can renew your loans via phone, in person or online.
To renew your items online, log into "my account" via the catalogue with your library card number and password (your date of birth - DDMMYYYY) and follow the prompts.
Items are unable to be renewed more than once, if there is a reservation on an item, or if they are overdue by more than two months, unless there are exceptional circumstances eg. illness.
Please contact library staff if you require any assistance managing your loans.
Borrowed items can be returned to the circulation desk during opening hours. Items can be returned out of opening hours via external after-hours returns chutes.
Library Communications
The library sends reminders about reservations or overdue items via letter, email or SMS messaging.
Please keep your contact details updated. You can update your contact details by logging into "my account" via the online catalogue with your library card number and password (your date of birth - DDMMYYYY), clicking member details, and saving your changes. You can also contact the library via phone or in person to update your details.