Anzac Day Parades and Services in the Burdekin
Plans are being finalised for Anzac Day events across
the Burdekin.
Please find a list of services and parades below, as well as parade routes for both Ayr and Home Hill.
In Ayr, school students are encouraged to assemble in Queen Street from Edwards Street to Parker Street in preparation for the march. The RSL, Cadets and other community groups are to assemble on Parker Street between Queen Street and Graham Street (see map).
In Home Hill, the assembly area will be on Tenth Avenue in front of the Ambulance Station.
In Ayr, school students are encouraged to assemble in Queen Street from Edwards Street to Parker Street in preparation for the march. The RSL, Cadets and other community groups are to assemble on Parker Street between Queen Street and Graham Street (see map).
In Home Hill, the assembly area will be on Tenth Avenue in front of the Ambulance Station.