Burdekin Water Park community consultation launches

The Burdekin is one step closer to having a water park, with Council launching community consultation on key aspects of the design today.
Burdekin Shire Council is calling for community feedback on the scale and fee structure of the facility, following previous consultation and anecdotal feedback revealing a desire for a larger water park targeting a broader demographic.
Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Lyn McLaughlin said the community consultation would cover whether residents would prefer a water park on its own or with additional water slides for visitors of all ages.
“Building a water park in the Burdekin has been on the public agenda for some time. In 2019 following a period of community consultation, Council included a water park concept in the footprint of the Ayr Swimming Pool complex as part of the ANZAC Park Precinct Master Plan,” Cr McLaughlin said.
“The size and scale of the water park included in the Master Plan was relatively small compared to similar facilities in other Council areas; the concept would only be suitable for toddlers and young children.
“Further discussion and anecdotal feedback have confirmed there is an opportunity to increase the scale of the proposed water park for a broader demographic and offer a unique and iconic recreation zone which will transform the water park from a Burdekin social hub to a significant regional attraction.”
Council is also seeking feedback on preferred fee structures to use the facility.
“Similar to other local governments who operate water parks of this scale, Council intends to recover some of the costs associated with the ongoing operations and maintenance of the water park through some form of entry fee to the complex.
“Water parks are a significant piece of infrastructure that require maintenance throughout their life, so it is important that we are budgeting to keep the facility looking and operating at its highest standard.”
“I want to encourage all residents to have their say now and guide Council’s future decision making on this significant project for our Shire.”
Community consultation on the Burdekin Water Park is open from 1-30 April, 2021. Feedback can be provided in person at Burdekin Shire Council, Burdekin Library Ayr or Home Hill branches, or the Ayr Swimming Pool. Online copies of concept plans, frequently asked questions and an electronic survey can be found at bit.ly/BDKWaterPark.