Records starting with A
- A Records beginning with A
- B Records beginning with B
- C Records beginning with C
- D Records beginning with D
- E Records beginning with E
- F Records beginning with F
- G Records beginning with G
- H Records beginning with H
- I Records beginning with I
- J Records beginning with J
- K Records beginning with K
- L Records beginning with L
- M Records beginning with M
- N Records beginning with N
- O Records beginning with O
- P Records beginning with P
- Q Records beginning with Q
- R Records beginning with R
- S Records beginning with S
- T Records beginning with T
- U Records beginning with U
- V Records beginning with V
- W Records beginning with W
- Y Records beginning with Y
- Z Records beginning with Z
- Abbey, Lance
- Abbott, Edith Evelyn
- Abbott, John
- Abel, Enid Aldyth
- Abel, Stanford Meil (Mike)
- Abell, Daryl Robin
- Abercrombie, Robert Leslie
- Abis, Frank
- Aboitis, Martin
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- Aboriginal, A Bell
- Ace (Reservation)
- Ace (Reservation)
- Ace, Edward
- Ace, Evelyn Agnes
- Ace, Glenn Lyle
- Ace, Isabella Jane
- Ace, Philip
- Achille, Alfio
- Achille, Caterina
- Achille, Giuseppe
- Achille, Sebastiana
- Achulla, Jose Malie
- Achura, Yolanda
- Achurra, Benito
- Achurra, Jose Francisco
- Achurra, Maria Christina
- Achurra, Yolanda
- Acton, Edward Herbert
- Acton, Herbert Thomas
- Adair, Catherine Mary
- Adams, Arthur Creswell
- Adams, Emily
- Adams, Ernest
- Adams, Gordon Arnold
- Adams, Irene May
- Adams, John
- Adams, Judith Mary
- Adams, Michael John
- Adams, Norah Elizabeth
- Adams, Rita Amelia
- Adams, Robert John
- Adams, Rochelle Allison
- Adcock, Baby
- Adcock, Isabel Jesse